Richard Hughes will retire in 2022

Richard Hughes
The Society’s Executive Secretary, Richard Hughes, has decided to retire from his post by the end of 2022, ending a five-year tenure. The Society will now start a search and recruitment process with the intent to have a successor in post during the third quarter of 2022. Ruth Allington, the President-designate, has agreed to Chair the Appointments Committee. At present, the Society is convening a diverse Appointments Committee, updating the role description and considering the retention of a search firm. Once complete, the role description will be publicly advertised on the Society’s website and beyond, together with a general timetable for the appointment process.
President Mike Daly says, “Richard has led the Society through some very difficult times and in doing so has succeeded in creating a more open, diverse and forward-looking Society. I thank him for his contribution, wish him well with his retirement and look forward to a wholesome farewell event later in the year.”