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Geological Society Discussion Group 2021

1 March 2021

The Discussion Group aspires to attract a diverse audience and attendance is open to all – Fellows and guests

The Discussion Group fosters wide-ranging scientific discussion in a social setting on a variety of geoscience topics. It has roots in the Geological Society Dining Club, which dates back to 1824, becoming a formal part of the Society as one of the Specialist Groups in 2016. Since 2018, a summary of the meetings has been available on the Society’s website, with topics ranging from masonry repairs, the critically stressed Earth, deep continental subduction, and how life began on Earth, to the future of the Society itself.

Traditionally, meetings take place in the evening at a range of venues in London, when a topical subject is raised by an invited speaker and debated over dinner. However, events in 2020 have been held with equal success by Zoom, without travelling and with a convivial glass of wine to hand from the comfort of your own home!

Meetings are open to all – Fellows, their guests and non-Fellows. To make a reservation, contact Becky.Goddard@geolsoc.org.uk

The programme for 2021, including talks related to the Society’s ‘Year of Space’ theme, includes:
  • 14 Apr. Stac Fada impact deposit. Dr Ken Amor, University of Oxford
  • 9 Jun. The Mars 2020 Mission. Prof Caroline Smith, Natural History Museum
  • 14 Jul. Summer outing. Gilbert White Museum, Selborne
Fellows are invited to join the Discussion Group as part of the annual membership renewal process. For more information, please contact John Bennett (Honorary Secretary) via the website: www.geolsoc.org.uk/Groups-and-Networks/Specialist-Groups/Geological-Society-Discussion-Group/

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