Election results

The advisory ballot for Council, conducted by Civica Election Services, closed on 31 March 2022. The turnout was 12.9%.
A total of 1,476 valid votes were cast for the six vacancies on Council. Of the nine candidates who took part, the six candidates who received the most votes are:
Candidates No of Votes
Hollie Fisher – 900
Mark Anderson – 843
Daniel Le Heron – 797
Natasha Dowey – 768
Anna Bird – 732
Ben Lepley – 521
These six candidates will go forward for election as Council members at the AGM. We warmly thank the three other candidates who stood in the preliminary ballot for their interest to serve Council.
Finally, we give whole-hearted thanks to the Council members standing down at the AGM: Dr Michael C. Daly, Dr Kathryn Goodenough, Andrew Moore, Sarah Scott, Jessica Smith and Dr Alex Whittaker.