Council elections 2022: vote to shape your society
We invited Fellows to nominate new members of Council to succeed those retiring at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 8 June 2022. Nine nominations were received for six vacancies. The process for the election of members of Council is set out in section 6 of the Bye-laws.
The preliminary ballot is already in progress and its results will determine the list for the formal vote at this year’s Annual General Meeting. As in previous years, Civica Election Services (CES), an independent ballot service provider with extensive experience of overseeing ballots, is administering the Council ballot on behalf of the Society.
In February, Fellows should have received an email from CES with instructions for how to vote online. If you have not yet received an email, please check your spam emails. A postal ballot pack was sent to Fellows for whom we do not have an email address. If you have not received your ballot pack via email or post, or have any other difficulties casting your vote, please contact Christina Marron (
When voting, Fellows may wish to consider the areas of expertise of the continuing and retiring members of Council
The elections are an opportunity for Fellows to decide who should serve on Council. Council members should represent the interests of the entire Fellowship and shape the Society so that it can best respond to current and emerging needs. When voting, Fellows may wish to consider the areas of expertise of the continuing and retiring members of Council shown on page 54.
Prof Rob Strachan, Secretary Publications, and Gemma Sherwood were invited to remain on Council for another year to provide continuity, and share their experience and expertise. The nomination of Prof Daniel Le Heron is endorsed by Council to ensure continuing expertise in the field of scholarly publications.
Fellows are encouraged to participate in the preliminary ballot to secure a diverse Council representative of all views from across the Fellowship. The outcome of the ballot determines the list for the formal vote at the Annual General Meeting. The closing date for voting, online or postal, is 23.59 GMT on Thursday 31 March 2022. Postal ballot forms must be sent to CES (not the Society) and must arrive on or prior to the deadline.
Please note only fellows of the society are eligible to vote
Biographies of current Council members can be found at See here for the supporting statements of the Council nominees.
Council and Ordinary General Meetings:
2022: 6 April, 22 June, 21 September, 23 November
The Annual General Meeting
2022 Wednesday 8 June 11:00 – 12:30 (GMT+1). The agenda and further details will be communicated via the Society e-newsletter, website and in the summer issue of Geoscientist.