President’s Day 2022

Presentation of the Society’s Awards will take place on President’s Day on Wednesday 8 June 2022 at 16:00 – 17.15 (GMT+1) in a virtual ceremony.
The President’s Day Lecture with Prof Tanya Atwater, Wollaston Medallist 2022, will follow at 17:30 – 18.30 (GMT+1).
All Fellows are welcome to attend both events. The links for registration are available at: For information on how to register you can email
The winners of the Society’s Medals and Funds for 2022 are:
Wollaston Medal Emeritus Professor Tanya Atwater, University of California, Santa Barbara
Lyell Medal Dr William B. F. Ryan, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
Murchison Medal Prof Michael Bickle, University of Cambridge
William Smith Medal Dr Rod Graham, Imperial College London
Sue Tyler Friedman Medal Emeritus Professor John Mather, Royal Holloway, University of London
Dewey Medal Prof Clare Warren, The Open University
Coke Medal Dr Natasha Dowey, Sheffield Hallam University
Coke Medal Dr Alison Monaghan, British Geological Survey
Distinguished Service Award Ian Thomas, National Stone Centre
RH Worth Award North Sea Core CIC
Bigsby Medal Dr Catherine Annen, The Institute of Geophysics of Czech Academy of Sciences
Wollaston Fund Dr Anna Joy Drury, University College London
Lyell Fund Dr Daniel Collins, Shell International Ltd
Murchison Fund Dr Simon Matthews, University of Iceland
William Smith FUND Dr Fred Richards, Imperial College London
President’s Award Dr Anna Bidgood, iCRAG – University College Dublin
President’s Award James Preston, Shell UK Limited
The Society offers its warmest congratulations to this year’s recipients.