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Educational resources

Find out more about the range of resources available from the Geological Society

1 December 2023

Earth Science Ambassadors

The Geological Society’s student Earth Science Ambassadors are ready to help enhance Key Stage 2 lessons on rocks and fossils for primary school teachers. The Society has trained students from three London universities to deliver curriculum-linked workshops and show how interesting and inspiring Earth sciences are.

Book the FREE workshops at: www.geolsoc.org.uk/ESambassadors

If you are studying geology, Earth science or equivalent at a London university and would like to become an Earth Science Ambassador, please email ESambassadors@geolsoc.org.uk


Teaching resources

The Geological Society provides a variety of geoscientific resources for students, teachers, and anyone interested in Earth and planetary sciences. From fact sheets, lesson plans and fieldwork resources, to downloadable posters and animated web resources, visit: www.www.geolsoc.org.uk/resources



The Earth Science Teachers’ Association (ESTA) is a network of teachers, educators and partners who work to support and improve the teaching of Earth sciences in the UK by:

• sharing a range of teaching resources 

• promoting and organising training and networking events

• working together to develop geology in the curriculum

Teaching resources, such as practical teaching ideas and fieldwork skills, are available at: www.earth-science-teachers.uk/resources



University Geoscience UK (UGUK) is a national organisation that represents all UK Earth science departments. It aims to promote exchange of information  and discussion, and provide a single point of contact for Earth science departments.

UGUK provides free teaching materials for the delivery of Earth science-related content at all levels of education, including lesson plans, activities, and expert knowledge boosters. Go to: www.earth-science.org.uk/teach-earth 


Discovering Geology

The British Geological Survey’s Discovering Geology website aims to introduce a range of geoscience topics to learners of all ages. The resources, including classroom activities and lesson plans, link geoscientific topics with the BGS’s research, and promote the discovery of the processes that shape our dynamic planet.

For details, visit: www.bgs.ac.uk/discovering-geology

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