Annual General Meeting 2024

The AGM will take place on Wednesday 12 June 11:00-12:30 (GMT+1) and will be a hybrid meeting allowing for in-person and online attendance.
Details on how to register to attend the AGM are available on our website If you would like further information on how to register, please email or call 020 7434 9944.
In line with bye-law 9.2, the agenda for the AGM is presented as follows:
Minutes of the AGM held on 14 June 2023
Appointment of Scrutineers for the ballots for Council and Officers
Ballot for Council
Ballot for Officers
Annual Report and Accounts for 2023
- President’s Report
- Secretaries’ Reports
- Treasurer’s Report
- Geoscientist Report and appointment of new
Comments from Fellows
Appointment of Auditors
Scrutineers’ report on the ballot for Council
Any other business
Election results
The advisory ballot for Council, conducted by Civica Election Services, closed on 31 March 2024. The turnout was 17.1%.
There was a total of 1,983 valid votes cast for the six vacancies on Council. Of the eight candidates who took part, the six candidates who received the most votes are:
John Davies
Dr Andrew Dobrzański
Leanne Hughes
Dr Ilias Karapanos
Louisa McAra
Dr Kevin Stephen
These six candidates will go forward for election as Council members at the AGM. We would like to give thanks to the two other candidates who stood in the ballot for their interest to serve on Council.
We would like to take this opportunity to give warmest thanks to the Council members standing down at the AGM: Ruth Allington (President), Prof Jim Griffiths (Professional Secretary), Prof Mark Allen, Pete Loader, Dr Amanda Owens and Lucy Thomas.
Notification of officers for 2024/2025
At the AGM, Fellows will be asked to elect the following members of Council as Officers for 2024/2025:
President: Prof Jon Gluyas
Vice-President: Martin Griffin (EDI)
Gemma Sherwood (Regional Groups)
Secretaries: Dr Neil Frewin (Professional Matters)
Prof Jennie Gilbert (Science)
Dr Michael Kehinde (Foreign & External Affairs)
Prof Dan Le Heron (Publications)
Treasurer: Dr Keith Myers
Future meeting dates
Council and Ordinary General Meetings
2024: 10 July, 25 September, 27 November
2025: 5 February, 23 April, 24 June
Annual General Meeting & President’s Day
2025: 11 June