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Try stone carving

2 September 2024

Image credit: Amanda Randall.

Have you ever wanted to express creative ideas using rocks and geology? The Burngate Purbeck Stone Centre is offering delegates the chance to try stone carving at the Society’s Earth’s Canvas conference. The interdisciplinary conference will take place at Burlington House on 17-18 September, covering the intersection between geology and the literary, musical, and visual arts. 

The Burngate Purbeck Stone Centre, proud sponsor of the Earth’s Canvas event, is a small charitable trust based in Dorset that supports the sharing of skills and the advancement of knowledge associated with Purbeck Stone. We specialise in teaching stone carving to people of all ages and abilities, with courses on creative carving and sculpture, traditional masonry skills, and letter cutting. We also provide field study opportunities for architecture and geology students. 

At Earth’s Canvas, tutors from the Burngate Purbeck Stone Centre will demonstrate carving and offer delegates the opportunity to book on to taster workshops. Participants will work on Purbeck Limestone to create a composite relief panel depicting a Jurassic scene. All instructions, tools, and safety equipment will be provided – although participants require closed-toe shoes to take part! 

Workshops will be guided by Amanda Randall, a sculptor specialising in stone works referencing nature and plant forms, and Jude Pollock, a stone carver who has worked in geophysics and the energy industry. We’re looking forward to some enjoyable workshops and forging new connections with delegates at Earth’s Canvas! 

For more information on the Burngate Purbeck Stone Centre, please visit: www.burngatestonecentre.co.uk 

To find out more about the Earth’s Canvas conference, please visit: www.geolsoc.org.uk/09-Earths-Canvas  

Amanda Randall 

Burngate Purbeck Stone Centre 

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