Elections to council 2021-2022

Geoscientist’s October issue and subsequent email newsletters invited Fellows to nominate new members of Council to succeed those who will be retiring at the Annual General Meeting on 25 June 2021.
One nomination was received for the post of President Designate and a further 14 nominations for the seven remaining vacancies. The process for the election of members of Council is set out at section 6 of the Bye-laws and the process for the election of President is set out at section 7.
The preliminary ballot is in progress, the results of which will determine the list for the formal vote at this year’s Annual General Meeting on Friday 25 June 2021. As in past years, Civica Election Services (CES) is administering this year’s Council ballot on behalf of the Society. CES is the UK’s leading independent ballot services provider and has an extensive experience of overseeing ballots for a wide range of organisations.
In February, Fellows should have received an email from CES with instructions for how to vote online. If you have not heard to date, please check your spam emails before contacting the Society. Fellows for whom we do not have an email address will have received a postal ballot pack. If you have not heard from CES via email or post, or would prefer to receive a postal ballot pack, or have any other difficulties casting your vote, please contact Christina Marron (christina.marron@geolsoc.org.uk) at the Society.
The Council elections are your opportunity to choose who should serve on Council to best represent the interests of all Fellows and to shape the future of the Society. Fellows may wish to make their choices having regard to the area of expertise of the continuing and retiring members of Council that are shown on the tables on page 53. Their biographies are at www.geolsoc.org.uk/biographies. Council is particularly keen to strengthen representation from experienced academics.
It is important that Council is representative of the views and diversity of all the Fellowship, so Fellows are urged to participate in the preliminary ballot, which will determine the list for the formal vote at the Annual General Meeting. The closing date for voting, online or postal, is 23.59 on Wednesday 31 March 2021. Postal ballot forms must be sent to CES (not to the Society) and must arrive by Wednesday 31 March.
Graham Goffey, Treasurer, is retiring from Council and Keith Myers was co-opted by Council in April 2020 as Treasurer-designate. His nomination for election is endorsed by Council.